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Friday, March 13, 2009

CVS Superstars 3/13

No CVS for me AGAIN! I have been cooped up at home - but I am loving being a new mom and getting to know my new little one! I am beginning to get the hang of this "mom" thing! =)

:: Now it's your turn! I can't wait to see how you did this week! I love to see all the creative couponing! :)

You can post from now until Saturday at Midnight!! Just post about your great CVS adventures at your site and then leave a link here! Didn't go to CVS this week, leave a link anyway and tell us WHY you didn't visit the best store ever this week. The only thing I ask is that you link me at your post! Just say something at the end of your post like... Want to see more CVS savings? Visit the "Cents"ible Sawyer's CVS Superstars!... and link my name back to this post!

Still not sure how? Email me and I will help!

And, don't be shy if you don't have a blog....we want to hear about your adventures at CVS too! Leave a comment!

AND, come back Saturday to see the CVS deals and My Scenarios for next week! Yippee!!! I *heart* CVS!!!


grilo said...

We love food, especially cheap food. We too have a lots of free and cheap recipe that user can make at home. Visit us at Cheap Recipe

kari and kijsa said...

Picked up our fab four 12 packs of coke!
kari & kijsa