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Friday, October 3, 2008

Drugstore Divas!

I love seeing how other people save and how creative you can be with your coupons to score the stuff your family needs... So with that in mind let's play DRUGSTORE DIVA'S!

No Walgreens for me this week...
But, how 'bout you?

The only rule to play this game is it has to be a shopping adventure at a DRUGSTORE.
If you are a CVS shopper...leave your link in the post entitled "CVS SUPERSTARS" (right above this one) and all others leave your link here.

The only thing I ask is that you link me at your post! Just say something at the end of your post like... Want to see more Drugstore Savings? Visit the "Cent"sible Sawyer's Drugstore Divas!... and link my name back to this post! Still not sure how? Email me and I will help!

And if you don't have a blog...we still want to see what you scored this week! So leave a comment!

I can't wait to see all your great finds!

1 Comment:

Sarah said...

Thanks for all your hard work!