How do you like that title?
I had a request to do this week a little different and I thought it was a terrific idea (thanks Candace!). Since Walgreens had some rockin' deals this week why don't we highlight all the awesome adventures we had a both CVS AND Walgreens!?!
So, this week only...
You may link your post if you had a great time at CVS or Walgreens or BOTH!
So here's what my adventures brought home this week!It took 3 transactions and this time my husband helped...
So we made record time! We were in and out in 20 minutes or less!
Here's the break down:
Transaction #1:
FeBreze Fabric Refresher $3.99 - Buy 2
CVS Allergy $3.79
Aquafresh $2.99
Trident $0.99
Total: $15.75
Used $3/$15 CVS coupon
Used $0.75 Trident coupon (this week's insert)
Used FeBreze BOGO coupon (this week's insert)
Used $0.50 FeBreze coupon from paper
New Total: $7.51
Used $5 ECB
OOP: $2.51
ECBs Earned: $6.78
Transaction #2:
Cascade 2/$5 - Buy 2 OR Pampers Wipes $2.99 each- Buy 2
2 Aquafresh $2.99 ea.
Pringles $0.88 each - Buy 3
Dawn dish liquid $0.88
Total: $15.50
Used $3/$15 CVS coupon
Used $0.30/3 Pringles coupon from this week's insert
Used $0.25/1 Dawn coupon (newspaper insert)
Used $0.25/1 Cascade coupon
Used $0.50/1 Cascade coupon
New Total: $10.28
Used $10 ECB
OOP $0.28
ECBs Earned: $5.98
Transaction #3
2 - 12 packs of can drinks
Total: $5.52
Used $5 ECB
OOP: $0.52
Total Spent: $3.31 (on a gift card - woot woot!!)
ECBs Used: $20
ECB's to take home: $12.76
So, all in all I DID NOT take home as many ECBs as I spent... but I came home with stuff we need and didn't spend any GREEN money! :)
My husband needed the can drinks for work, I need the dish washing liquid, I can use the allergy med. NOW!!! ARgh! And everything else was not a dire need but is stuff we can use! YEA!!!
Anyhow, I still have quite a stash of ECBs. This week has been so hectic... and I am still feeling like a blob of sinus fluid! Yuck! So, I put off my CVS trip until tonight. I am feeling rather groggy from the sinus medicine so I probably didn't do as well as I could have - matter of fact I know I could have done better cause I left part of my coups at home because of my fogginess! Oh well, better luck next week.
But I do have to say, I love bringing home stuff from CVS that we need so that I do not have to use up my hard earned cash! It really helps out the 'ol grocery bill!
Now, its your turn.
You can post from now until Saturday at Midnight!! Just post about your great CVS adventures at your site and then leave a link here! Didn't go to CVS this week, leave a link anyway and tell us WHY you didn't visit the best store ever this week. The only thing I ask is that you link me at your post! Just say something at the end of your post like... Want to see more CVS savings? Visit the Centsible Sawyer's CVS Superstars!... and link my name back to this post!
Still not sure how? Email me and I will help!
No blog? No problem! Leave your adventures in the comments section at the bottom of this post! I can't wait to see all of your great buys!
Want to see last week's Superstars? Look here! There are some AWESOME ONES IF YOU MISSED IT!
AND, come back Sunday to see the CVS deals and My Scenarios for next week! Yippee!!! I *heart* CVS!!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Posted by Denise Sawyer at 10:10 PM
Labels: CVS Superstars
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Oh, I love it when the hubby's get involved too! Great Trip!!
Love the title!
Thanks for breaking the rules this week.
Wouldn't miss it! Thanks for the heads up.
thanks for the love and personally inviting me over! I had a great time at CVS this week.....made up for not even going last week!
awww....no love for CVS again this week from me. I did WAGS, but never got around to posting it. I came out spending about 20.00 OOP and made $143.00 in RR (which we spent already ~lol!) The Manager at my WAGS allowed me to use mine to buy GCs and since ds turns 9 on Monday - we're eating at Chili's compliments of WAGS!! hahahaha!!
Next week I'll be showing some love to CVS promise! I know they think something happened to me. :)
I wouldn't say I necessarily had a superstar trip, but I did get some necessities plus my item for the Glamour deal!
i think I had a pretty good week, I didnt get too much stuff but I got stuff I needed :) that is always a bonus!!
Love the title!!!
I'm finally enjoying CVS again--it's been a while! I haven't been going, and not missing it, but this week I was able to get groceries we actually needed (juice and raisins) for better than free!
Loved CVS this week!
Wasn't overly impressed with Walgreens though. I don't like that you can't get register rewards back when paying with them. Oh well ... good deals, good deals!
I love the inclusion of Walgreens!
Becky, I was able to use a RR because it was from a non-P&G deal.
I am very new to CVS, trying to figure it out.
How did you have 2 $3/$15 coupons? How do you get those?
Why 3 different transactions like that?
Thanks for the help!!! You can e-mail if you can....bdayfam4@verizon.net
Really wish we had CVS.
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