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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Wal-Mart Deals *Updated 6/1*

Here's the deal-io at Walmart.... just remember it may vary a little from store to store. The prices aren't the same nationwide! And of course... if you see a mistake, or know of another great deal LET ME KNOW!! :) I'll even give you credit! :)


Yo Plus Yogurt regular price $2.00
There are always coupons for this $1 off
Or, Print one HERE or HERE $1/1
Final Price: $1.00

Fiber One Yogurt 6 packs-These are around $2.50
PRINTABLE here for $1.25 off coupon
or $1.00 off 5/11 SS
Final Price $1.25

Fuze Drinks are $1.00
Get a Printable coupon HERE for $0.50/1
Final Price: $0.50

Cascadian Farms Organic Purely Steam packages are $1.22.
Use this PRINTABLE coupon for $1/1 HERE and HERE
Final Price: $0.22

Muir Glen Tomatoes are $1.16 a can
Use the PRINTABLE Coupon HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE for $1/1
Final Price: $0.16

Cheerio Mix is $1.50
Printable $1/1 coupon HERE
Final Price $0.50

Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta regular price is $1.50
$1 off Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta 2/17 SS exp. 5/31
Final Price: $0.50 cents each

Live Active Cereal is regular priced $3.12
$3 off Live Active exp 6/14 PRINTABLE HERE
Final Price: $0.12

Vlassic Pickle Relish regular price $1.12
$1 off Vlassic PRINTABLE HERE
Final Price: $0.12

Vlassic Pickle "Ovals" $1.38
$1 off Vlassic printable coupon
Final Price: $0.38

Vlassic Pickle Kosher Dill Spears $1.72
$1 off Vlassic printable coupon
Final Price: $0.72

Old El Paso Taco Seasoning Mix regular price .72
$1 off 2 Old El Paso products
Final Price: $0.22

Farmland Sausage Rolls regular price $1.38
$1 off Farmland Sausage SS 5/4 exp. 8/31
Final Price: $0.38

Farmland Ham regular price $2.88
$2 off Farmland Ham SS 5/4 exp. 8/31
Final Price: $0.88

Blue Bunny Ice Cream regularly priced $2.98
$1 off Blue Bunny Ice Cream Printable exp. 6/30
Final Price: $1.98

Bush's Grillin Beans regulary priced $1.25
-$1 Bushs Grillin Beans, any 22 oz. can SS 4/20/08 (exp. 6-20-08)
Final Price: $0.25

Farmland Bacon regular price $2.50
$2 off Farmland Bacon SS 5/4 exp. 8/31
Final Price: $0.50

Honey Bunches of Oat (chocolate Clusters) $2.32
Use with this PRINTABLE coupon for $2 off (RESET - WooHoo!) HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
Final Price: $0.32

Kashi Cereal is 2/$4
Sign up (if you haven't already) HERE and PRINT 2 $2/1 coupons
Final Price: FREE!!

Ken's Salad Dressing (small bottles) are $1.14.

Use the $1/1 coupons from the 05/11 newspaper insert.
Final price is $0.14

New York Croutons are $0.98/bag.
Use the $0.55/1 coupon from a recent insert.
Final price is .45/bag after coupons.

Kashi crackers are $2.50/box
Use this $2/1 coupon
Final Price: $0.50/box

Juicy Juice is $1.50
Use with the $1/1 PRINTABLE coupon HERE
Final Price: $0.50
Thanks to Megan!

Daisy Sour Cream $1.52
$0.50 off 6/1 RP
Final price $1.02

Kelloggs or Sunshine Crackers $2.00
$1.00 off 6/1 RP
Final price $1.00


Purina Cat Food - Select Varities regular price $3.97
$4 off any bag of Purina PRINTABLE HERE
Final Price: FREE + $0.03 overage!

Purina Puppy Chow 4lb bag regular price $4.12
$4 off any bag of Purina PRINTABLE HERE
Final Price: $0.12


Calgon lotion and body spray - purse size $2.08
Calgon bath beads - full size $2.84
$2 any Calgon Beauty in Bloom (KMART) book
Final Prices: $0.08 and $0.84

Healing Garden lotion and body spray - purse size $2.14
$2 any Healing Garden Beauty in Bloom (KMART) book
Final Price: $0.14

Travel-sized (16-ct.) Kotex are priced at $1.00.
Use the $1/1 coupon HERE or from the May issue of All You magazine.
Final Price: Free after coupon!

o.b. Tampon (trial size) is $0.97
Use $1/1 coupons (04/13 SmartSource and elsewhere)
Free after coupons!

Trial Size KY Jelly
Use the $3 coupon from Newspaper insert
Final Price: FREE!

Schick value packs of 10 razors are $1.97
$2/1 coupon for any Schick disposable razor in the 5/11 insert
Final Price: FREE + Overage!
Thanks to Crazy Coupon Mom!

John Freida Frizz-Ease Mouse (Trial size) $0.97
$1/1 any Frizz-Ease product May All You
Final Price: FREE!

Band Aid Bandages 60 ct $1.77
$1.00 off 5/18 RP
Final Price $0.77

Colgate Kids Toothbrush $0.96
$0.50 off 4/27 SS
Final Price $0.46

Suave Haircare $0.84
$1.00 off 2 4/20 RP
Final Price $0.34

Oral B. Dental "Essentials" Floss is $0.97
$1 off oral B dental floss from 6/1
Final Price: FREE + overage!!
Thanks to Frugal Pastor's Wife!!

Huggies Clean Team Wipes regular price $1.64 for the 40ct. softpack.
$3 off of 2 Huggies Cleanteam products from the Huggies Mailer (makes them .14 cents each)
$1 off 1 Huggies Cleanteam 5/18 SS (makes them .64 cents each)
Final Price: $0.14 or $0.64

Johnson's Buddies Soap or Johnson's trial size shampoo or lotion
Use with $1/1 coupon from newspaper insert
Use with $1/1 PRINTABLE HERE
Final Price: FREE + $0.06 overage!

Zantac 8ct regularly priced at $3.98
$5.00 on Zantac PRINTABLE (Page 3) HERE
Final Price: Free + Overage!

Post-It Page Markers $0.97 cents regular price
Post-it $3 off of 2 PRINTABLE HERE
Final Price: FREE + $1.06 overage!

HP Printer Paper regular price $3.97
$3 off HP Paper PRINTABLE exp 12/31 HERE
Final Price: $0.97


Ash and Toby said...

Girl, you are the BOMB!!!! Thanks for all that you do!! I really enjoy your blog!!


Sarah @ Fiddledeedee said...

Great post! I'm linking to you so my readers can see these great deals. It's so nice to have it all in one post. Thanks!

Tate Family said...

Where are the Cascadian Farms veggies hiding? Can't find them. Thanks for the awesome blog!!

Denise Sawyer said...

Tate Family,
The Cascadian Farms coup is on page 3 on my computer. It is a tricky one because the picture is of a box or something - maybe cereal. But, it says good on ANY Cascadian Farm product. I almost missed it too!

The "Cent"sible Sawyer

Shawn said...

Just wanted you to know that you are my new favorite blog! I'm so over MSM and now you are my best friend. Thanks for these great lists. : )

Anonymous said...

I found another walmart deal
There was a coupon for $1 off oral B dental floss on 6/1. The Essencials floss is .97, so it would be free plus .03 overage.

momtoqts said...

Nice list. Thanks for putting this together. Can you comment on the PDF coupons? These look like coupons that someone scanned to make oodles of duplicates. Isn't that illegal??? My intention is not to cause a stir, I really do just want to know that this is not illegal before using these. Can you help?

Denise Sawyer said...

I really don't know. I guess it is up to you whether you want to use 'em or not. Wish I could answer with wisdom here but I am not sure. Money Saving Mom linked it too (not that that is the be all end all) but I know she also is very careful about what she links and like me wants to do the ethical thing. So, again - not sure. Use your own judgment. My suggestion: Don't print 100. No really, only print a few and don't overdo it or call attention to yourself. But your right. you could print oodles and that wouldn't be right.
The "Cent"sible Sawyer

Role Model Mommies said...

I need suggestions, My walmart is very funny and when I try use my coupons the cashiers sometimes refuse to scan them (they say the amount on them are to high). Should I just do self checkout instead? I'm new to the coupon thing and my sister gave me your blog and I love it but I hate having to go walmart multiple times in a week. Please help!!!!

momtoqts said...

Thanks for your answer, Denise. I poked around slickforums (since that is the link where the coupons are) and couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Barbara: You need to print this out and make sure you take it every trip to Walmart

Anonymous said...

I was chipped this week in the paper and did not get the P & G coupon saver booklet, i got the other two.....any help as far as getting some of the pampers coupon, or dawn?