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Monday, April 12, 2010

HOT Krystal Coupons!

There are some HOT Krystal Coupons right now!

$3 off a Sackful
FREE Breakfast Sandwich or Biscuit with a hashbrown and drink

FREE kids meal with the purchase of a combo

All of them can be found HERE. Click on "restaurants" on the left hand side to find them fast!
I have a confession... one of my guilty pleasures is Krystal burgers. I know they are very unhealthy and I've been preaching that my family is eating more wholesomely and organically, but this is one habit I can't kick! I will say that I don't have them often. So, 5 to 6 times per year I just gotta have me some Krystals! LOL. Hey, everything in moderation, right?

1 Comment:

Caroline said...

LOVE me some Krystal!!! I live in TX but my mom grew up in FL and on Krystal burgers. Every time we would go to visit we'd have to get some. So she got me and my siblings hooked at a young age! Now we actually have a Krystal in TX that's somewhat close to me. I stop every now and then, but mostly I wait till we go to FL or AL to visit family & get some!! Seems more special that way :)